added SSCLI 1.0
[windows-sources.git] / sdk / samples / all in on code / Visual Studio 2008 / _External_Dependencies / Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogBar">
8             <summary>
9             Defines a common class for all task dialog bar controls, such as the progress and marquee bars.
10             </summary>
11         </member>
12         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogControl">
13             <summary>
14             Declares the abstract base class for all custom task dialog controls.
15             </summary>
16         </member>
17         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl">
18             <summary>
19             Abstract base class for all dialog controls
20             </summary>
21         </member>
22         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.#ctor">
23             <summary>
24             Creates a new instance of a dialog control
25             </summary>
26         </member>
27         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.#ctor(System.String)">
28             <summary>
29             Creates a new instance of a dialog control with the specified name.
30             </summary>
31             <param name="name">The name for this dialog.</param>
32         </member>
33         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.CheckPropertyChangeAllowed(System.String)">
34             <summary>
35              Calls the hosting dialog, if it exists, to check whether the 
36              property can be set in the dialog's current state. 
37              The host should throw an exception if the change is not supported.
38              Note that if the dialog isn't set yet, 
39              there are no restrictions on setting the property.
40              </summary>
41              <param name="propName">The name of the property that is changing</param>
42         </member>
43         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.ApplyPropertyChange(System.String)">
44             <summary>
45              Calls the hosting dialog, if it exists, to
46              to indicate that a property has changed, and that 
47              the dialog should do whatever is necessary 
48              to propagate the change to the native control.
49              Note that if the dialog isn't set yet, 
50              there are no restrictions on setting the property.
51              </summary>
52              <param name="propName">The name of the property that is changing.</param>
53         </member>
54         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.Equals(System.Object)">
55             <summary>
56             Compares two objects to determine whether they are equal
57             </summary>
58             <param name="obj">The object to compare against.</param>
59             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</returns>
60         </member>
61         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.GetHashCode">
62             <summary>
63             Serves as a hash function for a particular type. 
64             </summary>
65             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> hash code for this control.</returns>
66         </member>
67         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.HostingDialog">
68             <summary>
69             The native dialog that is hosting this control. This property is null is
70             there is not associated dialog
71             </summary>
72         </member>
73         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.Name">
74             <summary>
75             Gets or sets the name for this control.
76             </summary>
77             <value>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> value.</value>
78             <remarks>
79             The name of the control should not be modified once set
80             </remarks>
81             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The name cannot be null or a zero-length string.</exception>
82             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The name has already been set.</exception>
83         </member>
84         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl.Id">
85             <summary>
86             Gets the identifier for this control.
87             </summary>
88             <value>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.</value>
89         </member>
90         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogControl.#ctor">
91             <summary>
92             Creates a new instance of a task dialog control.
93             </summary>
94         </member>
95         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogControl.#ctor(System.String)">
96             <summary>
97             Creates a new instance of a task dialog control with the specified name.
98             </summary>
99             <param name="name">The name for this control.</param>
100         </member>
101         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogBar.#ctor">
102             <summary>
103             Creates a new instance of this class.
104             </summary>
105         </member>
106         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogBar.#ctor(System.String)">
107             <summary>
108             Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name.
109             </summary>
110             <param name="name">The name for this control.</param>
111         </member>
112         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogBar.Reset">
113             <summary>
114             Resets the state of the control to normal.
115             </summary>
116         </member>
117         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogBar.State">
118             <summary>
119             Gets or sets the state of the progress bar.
120             </summary>
121         </member>
122         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.EventManager">
123             <summary>
124             This class keeps track of the current state of each type of event.  
125             The MessageManager class tracks event handlers.  
126             This class only deals with each event type (i.e.
127             BatteryLifePercentChanged) as a whole.
128             </summary>
129         </member>
130         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.EventManager.IsMessageCaught(System.Guid)">
131             <summary>
132             Determines if a message should be caught, preventing
133             the event handler from executing. 
134             This is needed when an event is initially registered.
135             </summary>
136             <param name="eventGuid">The event to check.</param>
137             <returns>A boolean value. Returns true if the 
138             message should be caught.</returns>
139         </member>
140         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButton">
141             <summary>
142             Implements a button that can be hosted in a task dialog.
143             </summary>
144         </member>
145         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase">
146             <summary>
147             Defines the abstract base class for task dialog buttons. 
148             Classes that inherit from this class will inherit 
149             the Text property defined in this class.
150             </summary>
151         </member>
152         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.#ctor">
153             <summary>
154             Creates a new instance on a task dialog button.
155             </summary>
156         </member>
157         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
158             <summary>
159             Creates a new instance on a task dialog button with
160             the specified name and text.
161             </summary>
162             <param name="name">The name for this button.</param>
163             <param name="text">The label for this button.</param>
164         </member>
165         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.ToString">
166             <summary>
167             Returns the Text property value for this button.
168             </summary>
169             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</returns>
170         </member>
171         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.Click">
172             <summary>
173             Raised when the task dialog button is clicked.
174             </summary>
175         </member>
176         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.Text">
177             <summary>
178             Gets or sets the button text.
179             </summary>
180         </member>
181         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.Enabled">
182             <summary>
183             Gets or sets a value that determines whether the
184             button is enabled. The enabled state can cannot be changed
185             before the dialog is shown.
186             </summary>
187         </member>
188         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.Default">
189             <summary>
190             Gets or sets a value that indicates whether
191             this button is the default button.
192             </summary>
193         </member>
194         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButton.#ctor">
195             <summary>
196             Creates a new instance of this class.
197             </summary>
198         </member>
199         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButton.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
200             <summary>
201             Creates a new instance of this class with the specified property settings.
202             </summary>
203             <param name="name">The name of the button.</param>
204             <param name="text">The button label.</param>
205         </member>
206         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButton.ShowElevationIcon">
207             <summary>
208             Gets or sets a value that controls whether the elevation icon is displayed.
209             </summary>
210         </member>
211         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.SafeWindowHandle">
212             <summary>
213             Safe Window Handle
214             </summary>
215         </member>
216         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.ZeroInvalidHandle">
217             <summary>
218             Base class for Safe handles with Null IntPtr as invalid
219             </summary>
220         </member>
221         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.ZeroInvalidHandle.#ctor">
222             <summary>
223             Default constructor
224             </summary>
225         </member>
226         <member name="P:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.ZeroInvalidHandle.IsInvalid">
227             <summary>
228             Determines if this is a valid handle
229             </summary>
230         </member>
231         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.SafeWindowHandle.ReleaseHandle">
232             <summary>
233             Release the handle
234             </summary>
235             <returns>true if handled is release successfully, false otherwise</returns>
236         </member>
237         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogClosingEventArgs">
238             <summary>
239             Data associated with <see cref="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Closing"/> event.
240             </summary>
241         </member>
242         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogClosingEventArgs.TaskDialogResult">
243             <summary>
244             Gets or sets the standard button that was clicked.
245             </summary>
246         </member>
247         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogClosingEventArgs.CustomButton">
248             <summary>
249             Gets or sets the text of the custom button that was clicked.
250             </summary>
251         </member>
252         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey">
253             <summary>
254             Defines a unique key for a Shell Property
255             </summary>
256         </member>
257         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.#ctor(System.Guid,System.Int32)">
258             <summary>
259             PropertyKey Constructor
260             </summary>
261             <param name="formatId">A unique GUID for the property</param>
262             <param name="propertyId">Property identifier (PID)</param>
263         </member>
264         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
265             <summary>
266             PropertyKey Constructor
267             </summary>
268             <param name="formatId">A string represenstion of a GUID for the property</param>
269             <param name="propertyId">Property identifier (PID)</param>
270         </member>
271         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.Equals(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey)">
272             <summary>
273             Returns whether this object is equal to another. This is vital for performance of value types.
274             </summary>
275             <param name="other">The object to compare against.</param>
276             <returns>Equality result.</returns>
277         </member>
278         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.GetHashCode">
279             <summary>
280             Returns the hash code of the object. This is vital for performance of value types.
281             </summary>
282             <returns></returns>
283         </member>
284         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.Equals(System.Object)">
285             <summary>
286             Returns whether this object is equal to another. This is vital for performance of value types.
287             </summary>
288             <param name="obj">The object to compare against.</param>
289             <returns>Equality result.</returns>
290         </member>
291         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.op_Equality(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey,Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey)">
292             <summary>
293             Implements the == (equality) operator.
294             </summary>
295             <param name="a">Object a.</param>
296             <param name="b">Object b.</param>
297             <returns>true if object a equals object b. false otherwise.</returns>
298         </member>
299         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.op_Inequality(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey,Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey)">
300             <summary>
301             Implements the != (inequality) operator.
302             </summary>
303             <param name="a">Object a.</param>
304             <param name="b">Object b.</param>
305             <returns>true if object a does not equal object b. false otherwise.</returns>
306         </member>
307         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.ToString">
308             <summary>
309             Override ToString() to provide a user friendly string representation
310             </summary>
311             <returns>String representing the property key</returns>
312         </member>
313         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.FormatId">
314             <summary>
315             A unique GUID for the property
316             </summary>
317         </member>
318         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.PropertyKey.PropertyId">
319             <summary>
320              Property identifier (PID)
321             </summary>
322         </member>
323         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectionCollection">
324             <summary>
325             An enumerable collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection"/> objects.
326             </summary>
327         </member>
328         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectionCollection.GetEnumerator">
329             <summary>
330             Returns the strongly typed enumerator for this collection.
331             </summary>
332             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> object.</returns>
333         </member>
334         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectionCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
335              <summary>
336              Returns the enumerator for this collection.
337              </summary>
338             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> object.</returns> 
339         </member>
340         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.NativeTaskDialog">
341             <summary>
342             Encapsulates the native logic required to create, 
343             configure, and show a TaskDialog, 
344             via the TaskDialogIndirect() Win32 function.
345             </summary>
346             <remarks>A new instance of this class should 
347             be created for each messagebox show, as
348             the HWNDs for TaskDialogs do not remain constant 
349             across calls to TaskDialogIndirect.
350             </remarks>
351         </member>
352         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers">
353             <summary>
354             Common Helper methods
355             </summary>
356         </member>
357         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers.ThrowIfNotXP">
358             <summary>
359             Throws PlatformNotSupportedException if the application is not running on Windows XP
360             </summary>
361         </member>
362         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers.ThrowIfNotVista">
363             <summary>
364             Throws PlatformNotSupportedException if the application is not running on Windows Vista
365             </summary>
366         </member>
367         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers.ThrowIfNotWin7">
368             <summary>
369             Throws PlatformNotSupportedException if the application is not running on Windows 7
370             </summary>
371         </member>
372         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers.GetStringResource(System.String)">
373             <summary>
374             Get a string resource given a resource Id
375             </summary>
376             <param name="resourceId">The resource Id</param>
377             <returns>The string resource corresponding to the given resource Id</returns>
378         </member>
379         <member name="P:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers.RunningOnXP">
380             <summary>
381             Determines if the application is running on XP
382             </summary>
383         </member>
384         <member name="P:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers.RunningOnVista">
385             <summary>
386             Determines if the application is running on Vista
387             </summary>
388         </member>
389         <member name="P:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreHelpers.RunningOnWin7">
390             <summary>
391             Determines if the application is running on Windows 7
392             </summary>
393         </member>
394         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager">
395             <summary>
396             This class generates .NET events based on Windows messages.  
397             The PowerRegWindow class processes the messages from Windows.
398             </summary>
399         </member>
400         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.RegisterPowerEvent(System.Guid,System.EventHandler)">
401             <summary>
402             Registers a callback for a power event.
403             </summary>
404             <param name="eventId">Guid for the event.</param>
405             <param name="eventToRegister">Event handler for the specified event.</param>
406         </member>
407         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.UnregisterPowerEvent(System.Guid,System.EventHandler)">
408             <summary>
409             Unregisters an event handler for a power event.
410             </summary>
411             <param name="eventId">Guid for the event.</param>
412             <param name="eventToUnregister">Event handler to unregister.</param>
413         </member>
414         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.EnsureInitialized">
415             <summary>
416             Ensures that the hidden window is initialized and 
417             listening for messages.
418             </summary>
419         </member>
420         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.PowerRegWindow">
421             <summary>
422             Catch Windows messages and generates events for power specific
423             messages.
424             </summary>
425         </member>
426         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.PowerRegWindow.RegisterPowerEvent(System.Guid,System.EventHandler)">
427             <summary>
428             Adds an event handler to call when Windows sends 
429             a message for an evebt.
430             </summary>
431             <param name="eventId">Guid for the event.</param>
432             <param name="eventToRegister">Event handler for the event.</param>
433         </member>
434         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.PowerRegWindow.UnregisterPowerEvent(System.Guid,System.EventHandler)">
435             <summary>
436             Removes an event handler.
437             </summary>
438             <param name="eventId">Guid for the event.</param>
439             <param name="eventToUnregister">Event handler to remove.</param>
440             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Cannot unregister 
441             a function that is not registered.</exception>
442         </member>
443         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.PowerRegWindow.ExecuteEvents(System.Collections.ArrayList)">
444             <summary>
445             Executes any registered event handlers.
446             </summary>
447             <param name="eventHandlerList">ArrayList of event handlers.</param>
448         </member>
449         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.MessageManager.PowerRegWindow.WndProc(System.Windows.Forms.Message@)">
450             <summary>
451             This method is called when a Windows message 
452             is sent to this window.
453             The method calls the registered event handlers.
454             </summary>
455         </member>
456         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection">
457             <summary>
458             Represents a connection to a network.
459             </summary>
460             <remarks> A collection containing instances of this class is obtained by calling
461             the <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.Connections"/> property.</remarks>
462         </member>
463         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.Network">
464             <summary>
465             Retrieves an object that represents the network 
466             associated with this connection.
467             </summary>
468             <returns>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.Network"/> object.</returns>
469         </member>
470         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.AdapterId">
471             <summary>
472             Gets the adapter identifier for this connection.
473             </summary>
474             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Guid"/> object.</value>
475         </member>
476         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.ConnectionId">
477             <summary>
478             Gets the unique identifier for this connection.
479             </summary>
480             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Guid"/> object.</value>
481         </member>
482         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.Connectivity">
483             <summary>
484             Gets a value that indicates the connectivity of this connection.
485             </summary>
486             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.Connectivity"/> value.</value>
487         </member>
488         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.DomainType">
489             <summary>
490             Gets a value that indicates whether the network associated
491             with this connection is 
492             an Active Directory network and whether the machine
493             has been authenticated by Active Directory.
494             </summary>
495             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.DomainType"/> value.</value>
496         </member>
497         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.IsConnectedToInternet">
498             <summary>
499             Gets a value that indicates whether this 
500             connection has Internet access.
501             </summary>
502             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
503         </member>
504         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection.IsConnected">
505             <summary>
506             Gets a value that indicates whether this connection has
507             network connectivity.
508             </summary>
509             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
510         </member>
511         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerSource">
512             <summary>
513             Specifies the power source currently supplying power to the system.
514             </summary>
515             <remarks>Application should be aware of the power source because 
516             some power sources provide a finite power supply.
517             An application might take steps to conserve power while 
518             the system is using such a source.
519             </remarks>
520         </member>
521         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerSource.AC">
522             <summary>
523             The computer is powered by an AC power source 
524             or a similar device, such as a laptop powered 
525             by a 12V automotive adapter.
526             </summary>
527         </member>
528         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerSource.Battery">
529             <summary>
530             The computer is powered by a built-in battery. 
531             A battery has a limited 
532             amount of power; applications should conserve resources
533             where possible.
534             </summary>
535         </member>
536         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerSource.Ups">
537             <summary>
538             The computer is powered by a short-term power source 
539             such as a UPS device.
540             </summary>
541         </member>
542         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager">
543             <summary>
544             Enables registration for 
545             power-related event notifications and provides access to power settings.
546             </summary>
547         </member>
548         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.GetCurrentBatteryState">
549             <summary>
550             Gets a snapshot of the current battery state.
551             </summary>
552             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState"/> instance that represents 
553             the state of the battery at the time this method was called.</returns>
554             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The system does not have a battery.</exception>
555             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires XP/Windows Server 2003 or higher.</exception>
556         </member>
557         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.PowerPersonalityChanged">
558             <summary>
559             Raised each time the active power scheme changes.
560             </summary>
561             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The event handler specified for removal was not registered.</exception>
562             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
563         </member>
564         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.PowerSourceChanged">
565             <summary>
566             Raised when the power source changes.
567             </summary>
568             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The event handler specified for removal was not registered.</exception>
569             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
570         </member>
571         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.BatteryLifePercentChanged">
572             <summary>
573             Raised when the remaining battery life changes.
574             </summary>
575             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The event handler specified for removal was not registered.</exception>
576             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
577         </member>
578         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.IsMonitorOnChanged">
579             <summary>
580             Raised when the monitor status changes.
581             </summary>
582             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The event handler specified for removal was not registered.</exception>
583             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
584         </member>
585         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.SystemBusyChanged">
586             <summary>
587             Raised when the system will not be moving into an idle 
588             state in the near future so applications should
589             perform any tasks that 
590             would otherwise prevent the computer from entering an idle state. 
591             </summary>
592             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The event handler specified for removal was not registered.</exception>
593             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
594         </member>
595         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.MonitorRequired">
596             <summary>
597             Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the monitor is 
598             set to remain active.  
599             </summary>
600             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires XP/Windows Server 2003 or higher.</exception>
601             <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">The caller does not have sufficient privileges to set this property.
602             </exception>
603             <remarks>This information is typically used by applications
604             that display information but do not require 
605             user interaction. For example, video playback applications.</remarks>
606             <permission cref="T:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission"> to set this property. Demand value: <see cref="F:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand"/>; Named Permission Sets: <b>FullTrust</b>.</permission>
607             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value. <b>True</b> if the monitor
608             is required to remain on.</value>
609         </member>
610         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.RequestBlockSleep">
611             <summary>
612             Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the system 
613             is required to be in the working state.
614             </summary>
615             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires XP/Windows Server 2003 or higher.</exception>
616             <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">The caller does not have sufficient privileges to set this property.
617             </exception>
618             <permission cref="T:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission"> to set this property. Demand value: <see cref="F:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand"/>; Named Permission Sets: <b>FullTrust</b>.</permission>
619             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
620         </member>
621         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.IsBatteryPresent">
622             <summary>
623             Gets a value that indicates whether a battery is present.  
624             The battery can be a short term battery.
625             </summary>
626             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires XP/Windows Server 2003 or higher.</exception>
627             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
628         </member>
629         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.IsBatteryShortTerm">
630             <summary>
631             Gets a value that indicates whether the battery is a short term battery. 
632             </summary>
633             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires XP/Windows Server 2003 or higher.</exception>
634             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
635         </member>
636         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.IsUpsPresent">
637             <summary>
638             Gets a value that indicates a UPS is present to prevent 
639             sudden loss of power.
640             </summary>
641             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires XP/Windows Server 2003 or higher.</exception>
642             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
643         </member>
644         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.PowerPersonality">
645             <summary>
646             Gets a value that indicates the current power scheme.  
647             </summary>
648             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
649             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.PowerPersonality"/> value.</value>
650         </member>
651         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.BatteryLifePercent">
652             <summary>
653             Gets a value that indicates the remaining battery life 
654             (as a percentage of the full battery charge). 
655             This value is in the range 0-100, 
656             where 0 is not charged and 100 is fully charged.  
657             </summary>
658             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The system does not have a battery.</exception>
659             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
660             <value>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.</value>
661         </member>
662         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.IsMonitorOn">
663             <summary>
664             Gets a value that indictates whether the monitor is on. 
665             </summary>
666             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
667             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
668         </member>
669         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.PowerSource">
670             <summary>
671             Gets the current power source.  
672             </summary>
673             <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">Requires Vista/Windows Server 2008.</exception>
674             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerManager.PowerSource"/> value.</value>
675         </member>
676         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCollection">
677             <summary>
678             An enumerable collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network"/> objects.
679             </summary>
680         </member>
681         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCollection.GetEnumerator">
682             <summary>
683             Returns the strongly typed enumerator for this collection.
684             </summary>
685             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/>  object.</returns>
686         </member>
687         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
688              <summary>
689              Returns the enumerator for this collection.
690              </summary>
691             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> object.</returns> 
692         </member>
693         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager">
694             <summary>
695             Provides access to the Application Restart and Recovery
696             features available in Windows Vista or higher. Application Restart and Recovery lets an
697             application do some recovery work to save data before the process exits.
698             </summary>
699         </member>
700         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.RegisterForApplicationRecovery(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings)">
701             <summary>
702             Registers an application for recovery by Application Restart and Recovery.
703             </summary>
704             <param name="settings">An object that specifies
705             the callback method, an optional parameter to pass to the callback
706             method and a time interval.</param>
707             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
708             The registration failed due to an invalid parameter.
709             </exception>
710             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception">
711             The registration failed.</exception>
712             <remarks>The time interval is the period of time within 
713             which the recovery callback method 
714             calls the <see cref="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.ApplicationRecoveryInProgress"/> method to indicate
715             that it is still performing recovery work.</remarks>
716         </member>
717         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.UnregisterApplicationRecovery">
718             <summary>
719             Removes an application's recovery registration.
720             </summary>
721             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception">
722             The attempt to unregister for recovery failed.</exception>
723         </member>
724         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.UnregisterApplicationRestart">
725             <summary>
726             Removes an application's restart registration.
727             </summary>
728             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception">
729             The attempt to unregister for restart failed.</exception>
730         </member>
731         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.ApplicationRecoveryInProgress">
732             <summary>
733             Called by an application's <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryCallback"/> method 
734             to indicate that it is still performing recovery work.
735             </summary>
736             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value indicating whether the user
737             canceled the recovery.</returns>
738             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
739             This method must be called from a registered callback method.</exception>
740         </member>
741         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.ApplicationRecoveryFinished(System.Boolean)">
742             <summary>
743             Called by an application's <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryCallback"/> method to 
744             indicate that the recovery work is complete.
745             </summary>
746             <remarks>
747             This should
748             be the last call made by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryCallback"/> method because
749             Windows Error Reporting will terminate the application
750             after this method is invoked.
751             </remarks>
752             <param name="success"><b>true</b> to indicate the the program was able to complete its recovery
753             work before terminating; otherwise <b>false</b>.</param>
754         </member>
755         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.RegisterForApplicationRestart(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartSettings)">
756             <summary>
757             Registers an application for automatic restart if 
758             the application 
759             is terminated by Windows Error Reporting.
760             </summary>
761             <param name="settings">An object that specifies
762             the command line arguments used to restart the 
763             application, and 
764             the conditions under which the application should not be 
765             restarted.</param>
766             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Registration failed due to an invalid parameter.</exception>
767             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The attempt to register failed.</exception>
768             <remarks>A registered application will not be restarted if it executed for less than 60 seconds before terminating.</remarks>
769         </member>
770         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryCallback">
771             <summary>
772             The <see cref="T:System.Delegate"/> that represents the callback method invoked
773             by the system when an application has registered for 
774             application recovery. 
775             </summary>
776             <param name="state">An application-defined state object that is passed to the callback method.</param>
777             <remarks>The callback method will be invoked
778             prior to the application being terminated by Windows Error Reporting (WER). To keep WER from terminating the application before 
779             the callback method completes, the callback method must
780             periodically call the <see cref="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.ApplicationRecoveryInProgress"/> method. </remarks>
781             <seealso cref="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.RegisterForApplicationRecovery(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings)"/>
782         </member>
783         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryData">
784             <summary>
785             Defines a class that contains a callback delegate and properties of the application
786             as defined by the user.
787             </summary>
788         </member>
789         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryData.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryCallback,System.Object)">
790             <summary>
791             Initializes a recovery data wrapper with a callback method and the current
792             state of the application.
793             </summary>
794             <param name="callback">The callback delegate.</param>
795             <param name="state">The current state of the application.</param>
796         </member>
797         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryData.Invoke">
798             <summary>
799             Invokes the recovery callback function.
800             </summary>
801         </member>
802         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryData.Callback">
803             <summary>
804             Gets or sets a value that determines the recovery callback function.
805             </summary>
806         </member>
807         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryData.State">
808             <summary>
809             Gets or sets a value that determines the application state.
810             </summary>
811         </member>
812         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons">
813             <summary>
814             Identifies one of the standard buttons that 
815             can be displayed via TaskDialog.
816             </summary>
817         </member>
818         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons.None">
819             <summary>
820             No buttons on the dialog.
821             </summary>
822         </member>
823         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons.Ok">
824             <summary>
825             An "OK" button.
826             </summary>
827         </member>
828         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons.Yes">
829             <summary>
830             A "Yes" button.
831             </summary>
832         </member>
833         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons.No">
834             <summary>
835             A "No" button.
836             </summary>
837         </member>
838         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons.Cancel">
839             <summary>
840             A "Cancel" button.
841             </summary>
842         </member>
843         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons.Retry">
844             <summary>
845             A "Retry" button.
846             </summary>
847         </member>
848         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardButtons.Close">
849             <summary>
850             A "Close" button.
851             </summary>
852         </member>
853         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState">
854             <summary>
855             A snapshot of the state of the battery.
856             </summary>
857         </member>
858         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.ToString">
859             <summary>
860             Generates a string that represents this <b>BatteryState</b> object.
861             </summary>
862             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> representation of this object's current state.</returns>
863         </member>
864         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.ACOnline">
865             <summary>
866             Gets a value that indicates whether the battery charger is 
867             operating on external power.
868             </summary>
869             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value. <b>True</b> indicates the battery charger is operating on AC power.</value>
870         </member>
871         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.MaxCharge">
872             <summary>
873             Gets the maximum charge of the battery (in mW).
874             </summary>
875             <value>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.</value>
876         </member>
877         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.CurrentCharge">
878             <summary>
879             Gets the current charge of the battery (in mW).
880             </summary>
881             <value>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.</value>
882         </member>
883         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.DischargeRate">
884             <summary>
885             Gets the rate of discharge for the battery (in mW). 
886             </summary>
887             <remarks>
888             A negative value indicates the
889             charge rate. Not all batteries support charge rate.
890             </remarks>
891             <value>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.</value>
892         </member>
893         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.EstimatedTimeRemaining">
894             <summary>
895             Gets the estimated time remaining until the battery is empty.
896             </summary>
897             <value>A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> object.</value>
898         </member>
899         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.SuggestedCriticalBatteryCharge">
900             <summary>
901             Gets the manufacturer's suggested battery charge level 
902             that should cause a critical alert to be sent to the user.
903             </summary>
904             <value>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.</value>
905         </member>
906         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.BatteryState.SuggestedBatteryWarningCharge">
907             <summary>
908             Gets the manufacturer's suggested battery charge level
909             that should cause a warning to be sent to the user.
910             </summary>
911             <value>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.</value>
912         </member>
913         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods">
914             <summary>
915             Wrappers for Native Methods and Structs.
916             This type is intended for internal use only
917             </summary>
918         </member>
919         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.SendMessage(System.IntPtr,System.UInt32,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr)">
920             <summary>
921             Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls 
922             the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window 
923             procedure has processed the message. 
924             </summary>
925             <param name="hWnd">Handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. 
926             If this parameter is HWND_BROADCAST, the message is sent to all top-level windows in the system, 
927             including disabled or invisible unowned windows, overlapped windows, and pop-up windows; 
928             but the message is not sent to child windows.
929             </param>
930             <param name="msg">Specifies the message to be sent.</param>
931             <param name="wParam">Specifies additional message-specific information.</param>
932             <param name="lParam">Specifies additional message-specific information.</param>
933             <returns>A return code specific to the message being sent.</returns>
934         </member>
935         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.SendMessage(System.IntPtr,System.UInt32,System.Int32,System.String)">
936             <summary>
937             Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls 
938             the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window 
939             procedure has processed the message. 
940             </summary>
941             <param name="hWnd">Handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. 
942             If this parameter is HWND_BROADCAST, the message is sent to all top-level windows in the system, 
943             including disabled or invisible unowned windows, overlapped windows, and pop-up windows; 
944             but the message is not sent to child windows.
945             </param>
946             <param name="msg">Specifies the message to be sent.</param>
947             <param name="wParam">Specifies additional message-specific information.</param>
948             <param name="lParam">Specifies additional message-specific information.</param>
949             <returns>A return code specific to the message being sent.</returns>
950         </member>
951         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.SendMessage(System.IntPtr,System.UInt32,System.Int32@,System.Text.StringBuilder)">
952             <summary>
953             Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls 
954             the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window 
955             procedure has processed the message. 
956             </summary>
957             <param name="hWnd">Handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. 
958             If this parameter is HWND_BROADCAST, the message is sent to all top-level windows in the system, 
959             including disabled or invisible unowned windows, overlapped windows, and pop-up windows; 
960             but the message is not sent to child windows.
961             </param>
962             <param name="msg">Specifies the message to be sent.</param>
963             <param name="wParam">Specifies additional message-specific information.</param>
964             <param name="lParam">Specifies additional message-specific information.</param>
965             <returns>A return code specific to the message being sent.</returns>
966         </member>
967         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.DestroyIcon(System.IntPtr)">
968             <summary>
969             Destroys an icon and frees any memory the icon occupied.
970             </summary>
971             <param name="hIcon">Handle to the icon to be destroyed. The icon must not be in use. </param>
972             <returns>If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. </returns>
973         </member>
974         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.HIWORD(System.Int64,System.Int32)">
975             <summary>
976             Gets the HiWord
977             </summary>
978             <param name="dword">The value to get the hi word from.</param>
979             <param name="size">Size</param>
980             <returns>The upper half of the dword.</returns>
981         </member>
982         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.LOWORD(System.Int64)">
983             <summary>
984             Gets the LoWord
985             </summary>
986             <param name="dword">The value to get the low word from.</param>
987             <returns>The lower half of the dword.</returns>
988         </member>
989         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.SIZE">
990             <summary>
991             A Wrapper for a SIZE struct
992             </summary>
993         </member>
994         <member name="">
995             <summary>
996             Width
997             </summary>
998         </member>
999         <member name="">
1000             <summary>
1001             Height
1002             </summary>
1003         </member>
1004         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.RECT">
1005             <summary>
1006             A Wrapper for a RECT struct
1007             </summary>
1008         </member>
1009         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.RECT.left">
1010             <summary>
1011             Position of left edge
1012             </summary>
1013         </member>
1014         <member name="">
1015             <summary>
1016             Position of top edge
1017             </summary>
1018         </member>
1019         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.RECT.right">
1020             <summary>
1021             Position of right edge
1022             </summary>
1023         </member>
1024         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.RECT.bottom">
1025             <summary>
1026             Position of bottom edge
1027             </summary>
1028         </member>
1029         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.POINT">
1030             <summary>
1031             A Wrapper for a POINT struct
1032             </summary>
1033         </member>
1034         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.POINT.X">
1035             <summary>
1036             The X coordinate of the point
1037             </summary>
1038         </member>
1039         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.POINT.Y">
1040             <summary>
1041             The Y coordinate of the point
1042             </summary>
1043         </member>
1044         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreNativeMethods.POINT.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1045             <summary>
1046             Initialize the point
1047             </summary>
1048             <param name="x">The x coordinate of the point.</param>
1049             <param name="y">The y coordinate of the point.</param>
1050         </member>
1051         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControlCollection`1">
1052             <summary>
1053             Strongly typed collection for dialog controls.
1054             </summary>
1055             <typeparam name="T">DialogControl</typeparam>
1056         </member>
1057         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControlCollection`1.InsertItem(System.Int32,`0)">
1058             <summary>
1059             Inserts an dialog control at the specified index.
1060             </summary>
1061             <param name="index">The location to insert the control.</param>
1062             <param name="control">The item to insert.</param>
1063             <permission cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A control with 
1064             the same name already exists in this collection -or- 
1065             the control is being hosted by another dialog -or- the associated dialog is 
1066             showing and cannot be modified.</permission>
1067         </member>
1068         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControlCollection`1.RemoveItem(System.Int32)">
1069             <summary>
1070             Removes the control at the specified index.
1071             </summary>
1072             <param name="index">The location of the control to remove.</param>
1073             <permission cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1074             The associated dialog is 
1075             showing and cannot be modified.</permission>
1076         </member>
1077         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControlCollection`1.GetControlbyId(System.Int32)">
1078             <summary>
1079             Recursively searches for the control who's id matches the value
1080             passed in the <paramref name="id"/> parameter.
1081             </summary>
1083             <param name="id">An integer containing the identifier of the 
1084             control being searched for.</param>
1086             <returns>A DialogControl who's id matches the value of the
1087             <paramref name="id"/> parameter.</returns>
1089         </member>
1090         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControlCollection`1.GetSubControlbyId(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0},System.Int32)">
1091             <summary>
1092             Recursively searches for a given control id in the 
1093             collection passed via the <paramref name="ctrlColl"/> parameter.
1094             </summary>
1096             <param name="ctrlColl">A Collection&lt;CommonFileDialogControl&gt;</param>
1097             <param name="id">An int containing the identifier of the control 
1098             being searched for.</param>
1100             <returns>A DialogControl who's Id matches the value of the
1101             <paramref name="id"/> parameter.</returns>
1103         </member>
1104         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControlCollection`1.Item(System.String)">
1105              <summary>
1106              Defines the indexer that supports accessing controls by name. 
1107              </summary>
1108              <remarks>
1109              <para>Control names are case sensitive.</para>
1110              <para>This indexer is useful when the dialog is created in XAML
1111              rather than constructed in code.</para></remarks>
1112             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
1113              The name cannot be null or a zero-length string.</exception>
1114         </member>
1115         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBarState">
1116             <summary>
1117             Sets the state of a task dialog progress bar.
1118             </summary>
1119         </member>
1120         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBarState.Normal">
1121             <summary>
1122             Normal state.
1123             </summary>
1124         </member>
1125         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBarState.Error">
1126             <summary>
1127             An error occurred.
1128             </summary>
1129         </member>
1130         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBarState.Paused">
1131             <summary>
1132             The progress is paused.
1133             </summary>
1134         </member>
1135         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBarState.Marquee">
1136             <summary>
1137             Displays marquee (indeterminate) style progress
1138             </summary>
1139         </member>
1140         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogNativeMethods">
1141             <summary>
1142             Internal class containing most native interop declarations used
1143             throughout the library.
1144             Functions that are not performance intensive belong in this class.
1145             </summary>
1146         </member>
1147         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions">
1148             <summary>
1149             Specifies the conditions when Windows Error Reporting
1150             should not restart an application that has registered
1151             for automatic restart.
1152             </summary>
1153         </member>
1154         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions.None">
1155             <summary>
1156             Always restart the application.
1157             </summary>
1158         </member>
1159         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions.NotOnCrash">
1160             <summary>
1161             Do not restart when the application has crashed.
1162             </summary>
1163         </member>
1164         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions.NotOnHang">
1165             <summary>
1166             Do not restart when the application is hung.
1167             </summary>
1168         </member>
1169         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions.NotOnPatch">
1170             <summary>
1171             Do not restart when the application is terminated
1172             due to a system update.
1173             </summary>
1174         </member>
1175         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions.NotOnReboot">
1176             <summary>
1177             Do not restart when the application is terminated 
1178             because of a system reboot.
1179             </summary>
1180         </member>
1181         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult">
1182             <summary>
1183             Indicates the various buttons and options clicked by the user on the task dialog.
1184             </summary>
1185         </member>
1186         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult.Ok">
1187             <summary>
1188             "OK" button was clicked
1189             </summary>
1190         </member>
1191         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult.Yes">
1192             <summary>
1193             "Yes" button was clicked
1194             </summary>
1195         </member>
1196         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult.No">
1197             <summary>
1198             "No" button was clicked
1199             </summary>
1200         </member>
1201         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult.Cancel">
1202             <summary>
1203             "Cancel" button was clicked
1204             </summary>
1205         </member>
1206         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult.Retry">
1207             <summary>
1208             "Retry" button was clicked
1209             </summary>
1210         </member>
1211         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult.Close">
1212             <summary>
1213             "Close" button was clicked
1214             </summary>
1215         </member>
1216         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult.CustomButtonClicked">
1217             <summary>
1218             A custom button was clicked.
1219             </summary>
1220         </member>
1221         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar">
1222             <summary>
1223             Provides a visual representation of the progress of a long running operation.
1224             </summary>
1225         </member>
1226         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar.#ctor">
1227             <summary>
1228             Creates a new instance of this class.
1229             </summary>
1230         </member>
1231         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar.#ctor(System.String)">
1232             <summary>
1233             Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name.
1234             </summary>
1235             <param name="name">The name of the control.</param>
1236         </member>
1237         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1238             <summary>
1239             Creates a new instance of this class with the specified 
1240             minimum, maximum and current values.
1241             </summary>
1242             <param name="minimum">The minimum value for this control.</param>
1243             <param name="maximum">The maximum value for this control.</param>
1244             <param name="value">The current value for this control.</param>
1245         </member>
1246         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar.Reset">
1247             <summary>
1248             Resets the control to its minimum value.
1249             </summary>
1250         </member>
1251         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar.Minimum">
1252             <summary>
1253             Gets or sets the minimum value for the control.
1254             </summary>
1255         </member>
1256         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar.Maximum">
1257             <summary>
1258             Gets or sets the maximum value for the control.
1259             </summary>
1260         </member>
1261         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogProgressBar.Value">
1262             <summary>
1263             Gets or sets the current value for the control.
1264             </summary>
1265         </member>
1266         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogHyperlinkClickedEventArgs">
1267             <summary>
1268             Defines event data associated with a HyperlinkClick event.
1269             </summary>
1270         </member>
1271         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogHyperlinkClickedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String)">
1272             <summary>
1273             Creates a new instance of this class with the specified link text.
1274             </summary>
1275             <param name="link">The text of the hyperlink that was clicked.</param>
1276         </member>
1277         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogHyperlinkClickedEventArgs.LinkText">
1278             <summary>
1279             Gets or sets the text of the hyperlink that was clicked.
1280             </summary>
1281         </member>
1282         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogShowState">
1283             <summary>
1284             Dialog Show State
1285             </summary>
1286         </member>
1287         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogShowState.PreShow">
1288             <summary>
1289             Pre Show
1290             </summary>
1291         </member>
1292         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogShowState.Showing">
1293             <summary>
1294             Currently Showing
1295             </summary>
1296         </member>
1297         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogShowState.Closing">
1298             <summary>
1299             Currently Closing
1300             </summary>
1301         </member>
1302         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogShowState.Closed">
1303             <summary>
1304             Closed
1305             </summary>
1306         </member>
1307         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogTickEventArgs">
1308             <summary>
1309             The event data for a TaskDialogTick event.
1310             </summary>
1311         </member>
1312         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogTickEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32)">
1313             <summary>
1314             Initializes the data associated with the TaskDialog tick event.
1315             </summary>
1316             <param name="totalTicks">The total number of ticks since the control was activated.</param>
1317         </member>
1318         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogTickEventArgs.Ticks">
1319             <summary>
1320             Gets a value that determines the current number of ticks.
1321             </summary>
1322         </member>
1323         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.Power.RegisterPowerSettingNotification(System.IntPtr,System.Guid)">
1324             <summary>
1325             Registers the application to receive power setting notifications 
1326             for the specific power setting event.
1327             </summary>
1328             <param name="handle">Handle indicating where the power setting 
1329             notifications are to be sent.</param>
1330             <param name="powerSetting">The GUID of the power setting for 
1331             which notifications are to be sent.</param>
1332             <returns>Returns a notification handle for unregistering 
1333             power notifications.</returns>
1334         </member>
1335         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.Power.SetThreadExecutionState(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ExecutionState)">
1336             <summary>
1337             Allows an application to inform the system that it 
1338             is in use, thereby preventing the system from entering 
1339             the sleeping power state or turning off the display 
1340             while the application is running.
1341             </summary>
1342             <param name="flags">The thread's execution requirements.</param>
1343             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception">Thrown if the SetThreadExecutionState call fails.</exception>
1344         </member>
1345         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings">
1346             <summary>
1347             Defines methods and properties for recovery settings, and specifies options for an application that attempts
1348             to perform final actions after a fatal event, such as an
1349             unhandled exception.
1350             </summary>
1351             <remarks>This class is used to register for application recovery.
1352             See the <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager"/> class.
1353             </remarks>
1354         </member>
1355         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryData,System.UInt32)">
1356             <summary>
1357             Initializes a new instance of the <b>RecoverySettings</b> class.
1358             </summary>
1359             <param name="data">A recovery data object that contains the callback method (invoked by the system
1360             before Windows Error Reporting terminates the application) and an optional state object.</param>
1361             <param name="interval">The time interval within which the 
1362             callback method must invoke <see cref="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.ApplicationRecoveryInProgress"/> to 
1363             prevent WER from terminating the application.</param>
1364             <seealso cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager"/>
1365         </member>
1366         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings.ToString">
1367             <summary>
1368             Returns a string representation of the current state
1369             of this object.
1370             </summary>
1371             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> object.</returns>
1372         </member>
1373         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings.RecoveryData">
1374             <summary>
1375             Gets the recovery data object that contains the callback method and an optional
1376             parameter (usually the state of the application) to be passed to the 
1377             callback method.
1378             </summary>
1379             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings.RecoveryData"/> object.</value>
1380         </member>
1381         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoverySettings.PingInterval">
1382             <summary>
1383             Gets the time interval for notifying Windows Error Reporting.  
1384             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RecoveryCallback"/> method must invoke <see cref="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.ApplicationRestartRecoveryManager.ApplicationRecoveryInProgress"/> 
1385             within this interval to prevent WER from terminating the application.
1386             </summary>
1387             <remarks>        
1388             The recovery ping interval is specified in milliseconds. 
1389             By default, the interval is 5 seconds. 
1390             If you specify zero, the default interval is used. 
1391             </remarks>
1392         </member>
1393         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogRadioButton">
1394             <summary>
1395             Defines a radio button that can be hosted in by a 
1396             <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog"/> object.
1397             </summary>
1398         </member>
1399         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogRadioButton.#ctor">
1400             <summary>
1401             Creates a new instance of this class.
1402             </summary>
1403         </member>
1404         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogRadioButton.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
1405             <summary>
1406             Creates a new instance of this class with
1407             the specified name and text.
1408             </summary>
1409             <param name="name">The name for this control.</param>
1410             <param name="text">The value for this controls 
1411             <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogButtonBase.Text"/> property.</param>
1412         </member>
1413         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant">
1414             <summary>
1415             Represents the OLE struct PROPVARIANT.
1416             This class is intended for internal use only.
1417             </summary>
1418             <remarks>
1419             Must call Clear when finished to avoid memory leaks. If you get the value of
1420             a VT_UNKNOWN prop, an implicit AddRef is called, thus your reference will
1421             be active even after the PropVariant struct is cleared.
1422             Correct usage:
1424                 PropVariant propVar;
1425                 GetProp(out propVar);
1426                 try
1427                 {
1428                     object value = propVar.Value;
1429                 }
1430                 finally { propVar.Clear(); }
1432             Originally sourced from
1433             and modified to support additional types inculding vectors and ability to set values
1434             </remarks>
1435         </member>
1436         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.FromObject(System.Object)">
1437             <summary>
1438             Creates a PropVariant from an object
1439             </summary>
1440             <param name="value">The object containing the data.</param>
1441             <returns>An initialized PropVariant</returns>
1442         </member>
1443         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.Clear">
1444             <summary>
1445             Called to clear the PropVariant's referenced and local memory.
1446             </summary>
1447             <remarks>
1448             You must call Clear to avoid memory leaks.
1449             </remarks>
1450         </member>
1451         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetString(System.String)">
1452             <summary>
1453             Set a string value
1454             </summary>
1455             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1456         </member>
1457         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetStringVector(System.String[])">
1458             <summary>
1459             Set a string vector
1460             </summary>
1461             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1462         </member>
1463         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetBoolVector(System.Boolean[])">
1464             <summary>
1465             Set a bool vector
1466             </summary>
1467             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1468         </member>
1469         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetShortVector(System.Int16[])">
1470             <summary>
1471             Set a short vector
1472             </summary>
1473             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1474         </member>
1475         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetUShortVector(System.UInt16[])">
1476             <summary>
1477             Set a short vector
1478             </summary>
1479             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1480         </member>
1481         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetIntVector(System.Int32[])">
1482             <summary>
1483             Set an int vector
1484             </summary>
1485             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1486         </member>
1487         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetUIntVector(System.UInt32[])">
1488             <summary>
1489             Set an uint vector
1490             </summary>
1491             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1492         </member>
1493         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetLongVector(System.Int64[])">
1494             <summary>
1495             Set a long vector
1496             </summary>
1497             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1498         </member>
1499         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetULongVector(System.UInt64[])">
1500             <summary>
1501             Set a ulong vector
1502             </summary>
1503             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1504         </member>
1505         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetDoubleVector(System.Double[])">
1506             <summary>
1507             Set a double vector
1508             </summary>
1509             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1510         </member>
1511         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetDateTimeVector(System.DateTime[])">
1512             <summary>
1513             Set a DateTime vector
1514             </summary>
1515             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1516         </member>
1517         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetIUnknown(System.Object)">
1518             <summary>
1519             Set an IUnknown value
1520             </summary>
1521             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1522         </member>
1523         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetBool(System.Boolean)">
1524             <summary>
1525             Set a bool value
1526             </summary>
1527             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1528         </member>
1529         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetDateTime(System.DateTime)">
1530             <summary>
1531             Set a DateTime value
1532             </summary>
1533             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1534         </member>
1535         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetSafeArray(System.Array)">
1536             <summary>
1537             Set a safe array value
1538             </summary>
1539             <param name="array">The new value to set.</param>
1540         </member>
1541         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetByte(System.Byte)">
1542             <summary>
1543             Set a byte value
1544             </summary>
1545             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1546         </member>
1547         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetSByte(System.SByte)">
1548             <summary>
1549             Set a sbyte value
1550             </summary>
1551             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1552         </member>
1553         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetShort(System.Int16)">
1554             <summary>
1555             Set a short value
1556             </summary>
1557             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1558         </member>
1559         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetUShort(System.UInt16)">
1560             <summary>
1561             Set an unsigned short value
1562             </summary>
1563             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1564         </member>
1565         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetInt(System.Int32)">
1566             <summary>
1567             Set an int value
1568             </summary>
1569             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1570         </member>
1571         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetUInt(System.UInt32)">
1572             <summary>
1573             Set an unsigned int value
1574             </summary>
1575             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1576         </member>
1577         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetDecimal(System.Decimal)">
1578             <summary>
1579             Set a decimal  value
1580             </summary>
1581             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1582         </member>
1583         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetLong(System.Int64)">
1584             <summary>
1585             Set a long
1586             </summary>
1587             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1588         </member>
1589         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetULong(System.UInt64)">
1590             <summary>
1591             Set a ulong
1592             </summary>
1593             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1594         </member>
1595         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetDouble(System.Double)">
1596             <summary>
1597             Set a double
1598             </summary>
1599             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
1600         </member>
1601         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.SetEmptyValue">
1602             <summary>
1603             Sets the value type to empty
1604             </summary>
1605         </member>
1606         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.GetDataBytes">
1607             <summary>
1608             Gets a byte array containing the data bits of the struct.
1609             </summary>
1610             <returns>A byte array that is the combined size of the data bits.</returns>
1611         </member>
1612         <member name="P:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.IsNullOrEmpty">
1613             <summary>
1614             Checks if this has an empty or null value
1615             </summary>
1616             <returns></returns>
1617         </member>
1618         <member name="P:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.VarType">
1619             <summary>
1620             Gets or sets the variant type.
1621             </summary>
1622         </member>
1623         <member name="P:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.PropVariant.Value">
1624             <summary>
1625             Gets the variant value.
1626             </summary>
1627         </member>
1628         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerPersonality">
1629             <summary>
1630             Specifies the supported power personalities.  
1631             </summary>
1632         </member>
1633         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerPersonality.HighPerformance">
1634             <summary>
1635             Power settings designed to deliver maximum performance
1636             at the expense of power consumption savings.
1637             </summary>
1638         </member>
1639         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerPersonality.PowerSaver">
1640             <summary>
1641             Power settings designed consume minimum power
1642             at the expense of system performance and responsiveness.
1643             </summary>
1644         </member>
1645         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.PowerPersonality.Automatic">
1646             <summary>
1647             Power settings designed to balance performance 
1648             and power consumption.
1649             </summary>
1650         </member>
1651         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager">
1652             <summary>
1653             Provides access to objects that represent networks and network connections.
1654             </summary>
1655         </member>
1656         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.GetNetworks(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectivityLevels)">
1657             <summary>
1658             Retrieves a collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network"/> objects that represent the networks defined for this machine.
1659             </summary>
1660             <param name="level">
1661             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectivityLevels"/> that specify the connectivity level of the returned <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network"/> objects.
1662             </param>
1663             <returns>
1664             A <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCollection"/> of <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network"/> objects.
1665             </returns>
1666         </member>
1667         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.GetNetwork(System.Guid)">
1668             <summary>
1669             Retrieves the <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network"/> identified by the specified network identifier.
1670             </summary>
1671             <param name="networkId">
1672             A <see cref="T:System.Guid"/> that specifies the unique identifier for the network.
1673             </param>
1674             <returns>
1675             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network"/> that represents the network identified by the identifier.
1676             </returns>
1677         </member>
1678         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.GetNetworkConnections">
1679             <summary>
1680             Retrieves a collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection"/> objects that represent the connections for this machine.
1681             </summary>
1682             <returns>
1683             A <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectionCollection"/> containing the network connections.
1684             </returns>
1685         </member>
1686         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.GetNetworkConnection(System.Guid)">
1687             <summary>
1688             Retrieves the <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection"/> identified by the specified connection identifier.
1689             </summary>
1690             <param name="networkConnectionId">
1691             A <see cref="T:System.Guid"/> that specifies the unique identifier for the network connection.
1692             </param>
1693             <returns>
1694             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnection"/> identified by the specified identifier.
1695             </returns>
1696         </member>
1697         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.IsConnectedToInternet">
1698             <summary>
1699             Gets a value that indicates whether this machine 
1700             has Internet connectivity.
1701             </summary>
1702             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
1703         </member>
1704         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.IsConnected">
1705             <summary>
1706             Gets a value that indicates whether this machine 
1707             has network connectivity.
1708             </summary>
1709             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
1710         </member>
1711         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.Connectivity">
1712             <summary>
1713             Gets the connectivity state of this machine.
1714             </summary>
1715             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager.Connectivity"/> value.</value>
1716         </member>
1717         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.IDialogControlHost">
1718             <summary>
1719             Indicates that the implementing class is a dialog that can host
1720             customizable dialog controls (subclasses of DialogControl).
1721             </summary>
1722         </member>
1723         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.IDialogControlHost.IsCollectionChangeAllowed">
1724             <summary>
1725             Handle notifications of pseudo-controls being added 
1726             or removed from the collection.
1727             PreFilter should throw if a control cannot 
1728             be added/removed in the dialog's current state.
1729             PostProcess should pass on changes to native control, 
1730             if appropriate.
1731             </summary>
1732             <returns>true if collection change is allowed.</returns>
1733         </member>
1734         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.IDialogControlHost.ApplyCollectionChanged">
1735             <summary>
1736             Applies changes to the collection.
1737             </summary>
1738         </member>
1739         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.IDialogControlHost.IsControlPropertyChangeAllowed(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl)">
1740             <summary>
1741             Handle notifications of individual child 
1742             pseudo-controls' properties changing..
1743             Prefilter should throw if the property 
1744             cannot be set in the dialog's current state.
1745             PostProcess should pass on changes to native control, 
1746             if appropriate.
1747             </summary>
1748             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property.</param>
1749             <param name="control">The control propertyName applies to.</param>
1750             <returns>true if the property change is allowed.</returns>
1751         </member>
1752         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.IDialogControlHost.ApplyControlPropertyChange(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.DialogControl)">
1753             <summary>
1754             Called when a control currently in the collection 
1755             has a property changed.
1756             </summary>
1757             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property changed.</param>
1758             <param name="control">The control whose property has changed.</param>
1759         </member>
1760         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogCommandLink">
1761             <summary>
1762             Represents a command-link. 
1763             </summary>
1764         </member>
1765         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogCommandLink.#ctor">
1766             <summary>
1767             Creates a new instance of this class.
1768             </summary>
1769         </member>
1770         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogCommandLink.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
1771             <summary>
1772             Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and label.
1773             </summary>
1774             <param name="name">The name for this button.</param>
1775             <param name="text">The label for this button.</param>
1776         </member>
1777         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogCommandLink.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
1778             <summary>
1779             Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name,label, and instruction.
1780             </summary>
1781             <param name="name">The name for this button.</param>
1782             <param name="text">The label for this button.</param>
1783             <param name="instruction">The instruction for this command link.</param>
1784         </member>
1785         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogCommandLink.ToString">
1786             <summary>
1787             Returns a string representation of this object.
1788             </summary>
1789             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"/></returns>
1790         </member>
1791         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogCommandLink.Instruction">
1792             <summary>
1793             Gets or sets the instruction associated with this command link button.
1794             </summary>
1795         </member>
1796         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStartupLocation">
1797             <summary>
1798             Specifies the initial display location for a task dialog. 
1799             </summary>
1800         </member>
1801         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStartupLocation.CenterScreen">
1802             <summary>
1803             The window placed in the center of the screen.
1804             </summary>
1805         </member>
1806         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStartupLocation.CenterOwner">
1807             <summary>
1808             The window centered relative to the window that launched the dialog.
1809             </summary>
1810         </member>
1811         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.NativeTaskDialogSettings">
1812             <summary>
1813              Encapsulates additional configuration needed by NativeTaskDialog
1814              that it can't get from the TASKDIALOGCONFIG struct.
1815             </summary>
1816         </member>
1817         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartSettings">
1818             <summary>
1819             Specifies the options for an application to be automatically
1820             restarted by Windows Error Reporting. 
1821             </summary>
1822             <remarks>Regardless of these 
1823             settings, the application
1824             will not be restarted if it executed for less than 60 seconds before
1825             terminating.</remarks>
1826         </member>
1827         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartSettings.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions)">
1828             <summary>
1829             Creates a new instance of the RestartSettings class.
1830             </summary>
1831             <param name="commandLine">The command line arguments 
1832             used to restart the application.</param>
1833             <param name="restrict">A bitwise combination of the RestartRestrictions 
1834             values that specify  
1835             when the application should not be restarted.
1836             </param>
1837         </member>
1838         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartSettings.ToString">
1839             <summary>
1840             Returns a string representation of the current state
1841             of this object.
1842             </summary>
1843             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that displays 
1844             the command line arguments 
1845             and restrictions for restarting the application.</returns>
1846         </member>
1847         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartSettings.Command">
1848             <summary>
1849             Gets the command line arguments used to restart the application.
1850             </summary>
1851             <value>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> object.</value>
1852         </member>
1853         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartSettings.Restrictions">
1854             <summary>
1855             Gets the set of conditions when the application 
1856             should not be restarted.
1857             </summary>
1858             <value>A set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ApplicationServices.RestartRestrictions"/> values.</value>
1859         </member>
1860         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogExpandedDetailsLocation">
1861             <summary>
1862             Specifies the options for expand/collapse sections in dialogs.
1863             </summary>
1864         </member>
1865         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogExpandedDetailsLocation.Hide">
1866             <summary>
1867             Do not show the content.
1868             </summary>
1869         </member>
1870         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogExpandedDetailsLocation.ExpandContent">
1871             <summary>
1872             Show the content.
1873             </summary>
1874         </member>
1875         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogExpandedDetailsLocation.ExpandFooter">
1876             <summary>
1877             Expand the footer content.
1878             </summary>
1879         </member>
1880         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog">
1881             <summary>
1882             Encapsulates a new-to-Vista Win32 TaskDialog window 
1883             - a powerful successor to the MessageBox available
1884             in previous versions of Windows.
1885             </summary>
1886         </member>
1887         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.#ctor">
1888             <summary>
1889             Creates a basic TaskDialog window 
1890             </summary>
1891         </member>
1892         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Show(System.String)">
1893             <summary>
1894             Creates and shows a task dialog with the specified message text.
1895             </summary>
1896             <param name="text">The text to display.</param>
1897             <returns>The dialog result.</returns>
1898         </member>
1899         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Show(System.String,System.String)">
1900             <summary>
1901             Creates and shows a task dialog with the specified supporting text and main instruction.
1902             </summary>
1903             <param name="text">The supporting text to display.</param>
1904             <param name="instructionText">The main instruction text to display.</param>
1905             <returns>The dialog result.</returns>
1906         </member>
1907         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Show(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
1908             <summary>
1909             Creates and shows a task dialog with the specified supporting text, main instruction, and dialog caption.
1910             </summary>
1911             <param name="text">The supporting text to display.</param>
1912             <param name="instructionText">The main instruction text to display.</param>
1913             <param name="caption">The caption for the dialog.</param>
1914             <returns>The dialog result.</returns>
1915         </member>
1916         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Show">
1917             <summary>
1918             Creates and shows a task dialog.
1919             </summary>
1920             <returns>The dialog result.</returns>
1921         </member>
1922         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Close">
1923             <summary>
1924             Close TaskDialog
1925             </summary>
1926             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">if TaskDialog is not showing.</exception>
1927         </member>
1928         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Close(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogResult)">
1929             <summary>
1930             Close TaskDialog with a given TaskDialogResult
1931             </summary>
1932             <param name="closingResult">TaskDialogResult to return from the TaskDialog.Show() method</param>
1933             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">if TaskDialog is not showing.</exception>
1934         </member>
1935         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.ApplyTextConfiguration(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogNativeMethods.TASKDIALOGCONFIG)">
1936             <summary>
1937             Sets important text properties.
1938             </summary>
1939             <param name="dialogConfig">An instance of a <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogNativeMethods.TASKDIALOGCONFIG"/> object.</param>
1940         </member>
1941         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Dispose">
1942             <summary>
1943             Dispose TaskDialog Resources
1944             </summary>
1945         </member>
1946         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Finalize">
1947             <summary>
1948             TaskDialog Finalizer
1949             </summary>
1950         </member>
1951         <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
1952             <summary>
1953             Dispose TaskDialog Resources
1954             </summary>
1955             <param name="disposing">If true, indicates that this is being called via Dispose rather than via the finalizer.</param>
1956         </member>
1957         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Tick">
1958             <summary>
1959             Occurs when a progress bar changes.
1960             </summary>
1961         </member>
1962         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.HyperlinkClick">
1963             <summary>
1964             Occurs when a user clicks a hyperlink.
1965             </summary>
1966         </member>
1967         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Closing">
1968             <summary>
1969             Occurs when the TaskDialog is closing.
1970             </summary>
1971         </member>
1972         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.HelpInvoked">
1973             <summary>
1974             Occurs when a user clicks on Help.
1975             </summary>
1976         </member>
1977         <member name="E:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Opened">
1978             <summary>
1979             Occurs when the TaskDialog is opened.
1980             </summary>
1981         </member>
1982         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.OwnerWindowHandle">
1983             <summary>
1984             Gets or sets a value that contains the owner window's handle.
1985             </summary>
1986         </member>
1987         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Text">
1988             <summary>
1989             Gets or sets a value that contains the message text.
1990             </summary>
1991         </member>
1992         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.InstructionText">
1993             <summary>
1994             Gets or sets a value that contains the instruction text.
1995             </summary>
1996         </member>
1997         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Caption">
1998             <summary>
1999             Gets or sets a value that contains the caption text.
2000             </summary>
2001         </member>
2002         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.FooterText">
2003             <summary>
2004             Gets or sets a value that contains the footer text.
2005             </summary>
2006         </member>
2007         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.FooterCheckBoxText">
2008             <summary>
2009             Gets or sets a value that contains the footer check box text.
2010             </summary>
2011         </member>
2012         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.DetailsExpandedText">
2013             <summary>
2014             Gets or sets a value that contains the expanded text in the details section.
2015             </summary>
2016         </member>
2017         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.DetailsExpanded">
2018             <summary>
2019             Gets or sets a value that determines if the details section is expanded.
2020             </summary>
2021         </member>
2022         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.DetailsExpandedLabel">
2023             <summary>
2024             Gets or sets a value that contains the expanded control text.
2025             </summary>
2026         </member>
2027         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.DetailsCollapsedLabel">
2028             <summary>
2029             Gets or sets a value that contains the collapsed control text.
2030             </summary>
2031         </member>
2032         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Cancelable">
2033             <summary>
2034             Gets or sets a value that determines if Cancelable is set.
2035             </summary>
2036         </member>
2037         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Icon">
2038             <summary>
2039             Gets or sets a value that contains the TaskDialog main icon.
2040             </summary>
2041         </member>
2042         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.FooterIcon">
2043             <summary>
2044             Gets or sets a value that contains the footer icon.
2045             </summary>
2046         </member>
2047         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.StandardButtons">
2048             <summary>
2049             Gets or sets a value that contains the standard buttons.
2050             </summary>
2051         </member>
2052         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.Controls">
2053             <summary>
2054             Gets a value that contains the TaskDialog controls.
2055             </summary>
2056         </member>
2057         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.HyperlinksEnabled">
2058             <summary>
2059             Gets or sets a value that determines if hyperlinks are enabled.
2060             </summary>
2061         </member>
2062         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.FooterCheckBoxChecked">
2063             <summary>
2064             Gets or sets a value that indicates if the footer checkbox is checked.
2065             </summary>
2066         </member>
2067         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.ExpansionMode">
2068             <summary>
2069             Gets or sets a value that contains the expansion mode for this dialog.
2070             </summary>
2071         </member>
2072         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.StartupLocation">
2073             <summary>
2074             Gets or sets a value that contains the startup location.
2075             </summary>
2076         </member>
2077         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.ProgressBar">
2078             <summary>
2079             Gets or sets the progress bar on the taskdialog. ProgressBar a visual representation 
2080             of the progress of a long running operation.
2081             </summary>
2082         </member>
2083         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialog.IsPlatformSupported">
2084             <summary>
2085             Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform.
2086             </summary>
2087         </member>
2088         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT">
2089             <summary>
2090             HRESULT Wrapper
2091             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2092             </summary>
2093         </member>
2094         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.S_FALSE">
2095             <summary>
2096             S_FALSE
2097             </summary>
2098         </member>
2099         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.S_OK">
2100             <summary>
2101             S_OK
2102             </summary>
2103         </member>
2104         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.E_INVALIDARG">
2105             <summary>
2106             E_INVALIDARG
2107             </summary>
2108         </member>
2109         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.E_OUTOFMEMORY">
2110             <summary>
2111             E_OUTOFMEMORY
2112             </summary>
2113         </member>
2114         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.E_NOINTERFACE">
2115             <summary>
2116             E_NOINTERFACE
2117             </summary>
2118         </member>
2119         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.E_FAIL">
2120             <summary>
2121             E_FAIL
2122             </summary>
2123         </member>
2124         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND">
2125             <summary>
2126             E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND
2127             </summary>
2128         </member>
2129         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND">
2130             <summary>
2132             </summary>
2133         </member>
2134         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.NO_OBJECT">
2135             <summary>
2136             NO_OBJECT
2137             </summary>
2138         </member>
2139         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.ERROR_CANCELLED">
2140             <summary>
2141             Win32 Error code: ERROR_CANCELLED
2142             </summary>
2143         </member>
2144         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT.RESOURCE_IN_USE">
2145             <summary>
2146             The requested resource is in use
2147             </summary>
2148         </member>
2149         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreErrorHelper">
2150             <summary>
2151             Provide Error Message Helper Methods.
2152             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2153             </summary>
2154         </member>
2155         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreErrorHelper.FACILITY_WIN32">
2156             <summary>
2157             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2158             </summary>
2159         </member>
2160         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreErrorHelper.IGNORED">
2161             <summary>
2162             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2163             </summary>
2164         </member>
2165         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreErrorHelper.HResultFromWin32(System.Int32)">
2166             <summary>
2167             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2168             </summary>
2169             <param name="win32ErrorCode">The Windows API error code.</param>
2170             <returns>The equivalent HRESULT.</returns>
2171         </member>
2172         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreErrorHelper.Succeeded(System.Int32)">
2173             <summary>
2174             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2175             </summary>
2176             <param name="hresult">The error code.</param>
2177             <returns>True if the error code indicates success.</returns>
2178         </member>
2179         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreErrorHelper.Failed(MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.HRESULT)">
2180             <summary>
2181             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2182             </summary>
2183             <param name="hResult">The error code.</param>
2184             <returns>True if the error code indicates failure.</returns>
2185         </member>
2186         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CoreErrorHelper.Matches(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2187             <summary>
2188             This is intended for Library Internal use only.
2189             </summary>
2190             <param name="hresult">The COM error code.</param>
2191             <param name="win32ErrorCode">The Win32 error code.</param>
2192             <returns>Inticates that the Win32 error code corresponds to the COM error code.</returns>
2193         </member>
2194         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.SafeRegionHandle">
2195             <summary>
2196             Safe Region Handle
2197             </summary>
2198         </member>
2199         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.SafeRegionHandle.ReleaseHandle">
2200             <summary>
2201             Release the handle
2202             </summary>
2203             <returns>true if handled is release successfully, false otherwise</returns>
2204         </member>
2205         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity">
2206             <summary>
2207             Specifies types of network connectivity.
2208             </summary>
2209         </member>
2210         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.Disconnected">
2211             <summary>
2212             The underlying network interfaces have no 
2213             connectivity to any network.
2214             </summary>
2215         </member>
2216         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv4Internet">
2217             <summary>
2218             There is connectivity to the Internet 
2219             using the IPv4 protocol.
2220             </summary>
2221         </member>
2222         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv4LocalNetwork">
2223             <summary>
2224             There is connectivity to a routed network
2225             using the IPv4 protocol.
2226             </summary>
2227         </member>
2228         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv4NoTraffic">
2229             <summary>
2230             There is connectivity to a network, but 
2231             the service cannot detect any IPv4 
2232             network traffic.
2233             </summary>
2234         </member>
2235         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv4Subnet">
2236             <summary>
2237             There is connectivity to the local 
2238             subnet using the IPv4 protocol.
2239             </summary>
2240         </member>
2241         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv6Internet">
2242             <summary>
2243             There is connectivity to the Internet 
2244             using the IPv4 protocol.
2245             </summary>
2246         </member>
2247         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv6LocalNetwork">
2248             <summary>
2249             There is connectivity to a local 
2250             network using the IPv6 protocol.
2251             </summary>
2252         </member>
2253         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv6NoTraffic">
2254             <summary>
2255             There is connectivity to a network, 
2256             but the service cannot detect any 
2257             IPv6 network traffic
2258             </summary>
2259         </member>
2260         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Connectivity.IPv6Subnet">
2261             <summary>
2262             There is connectivity to the local 
2263             subnet using the IPv6 protocol.
2264             </summary>
2265         </member>
2266         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.DomainType">
2267             <summary>
2268             Specifies the domain type of a network.
2269             </summary>
2270         </member>
2271         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.DomainType.NonDomainNetwork">
2272             <summary>
2273             The network is not an Active Directory network.
2274             </summary>
2275         </member>
2276         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.DomainType.DomainNetwork">
2277             <summary>
2278             The network is an Active Directory network, but this machine is not authenticated against it.
2279             </summary>
2280         </member>
2281         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.DomainType.DomainAuthenticated">
2282             <summary>
2283             The network is an Active Directory network, and this machine is authenticated against it.
2284             </summary>
2285         </member>
2286         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCategory">
2287             <summary>
2288             Specifies the trust level for a 
2289             network.
2290             </summary>
2291         </member>
2292         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCategory.Public">
2293             <summary>
2294             The network is a public (untrusted) network. 
2295             </summary>
2296         </member>
2297         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCategory.Private">
2298             <summary>
2299             The network is a private (trusted) network. 
2300             </summary>
2301         </member>
2302         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCategory.Authenticated">
2303             <summary>
2304             The network is authenticated against an Active Directory domain.
2305             </summary>
2306         </member>
2307         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectivityLevels">
2308             <summary>
2309             Specifies the level of connectivity for 
2310             networks returned by the 
2311             <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager"/> 
2312             class.
2313             </summary>
2314         </member>
2315         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectivityLevels.Connected">
2316             <summary>
2317             Networks that the machine is connected to.
2318             </summary>
2319         </member>
2320         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectivityLevels.Disconnected">
2321             <summary>
2322             Networks that the machine is not connected to.
2323             </summary>
2324         </member>
2325         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectivityLevels.All">
2326             <summary>
2327             All networks.
2328             </summary>
2329         </member>
2330         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network">
2331             <summary>
2332             Represents a network on the local machine. 
2333             It can also represent a collection of network 
2334             connections with a similar network signature.
2335             </summary>
2336             <remarks>
2337             Instances of this class are obtained by calling 
2338             methods on the <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkListManager"/> class.
2339             </remarks>
2340         </member>
2341         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.Category">
2342             <summary>
2343             Gets or sets the category of a network. The 
2344             categories are trusted, untrusted, or 
2345             authenticated.
2346             </summary>
2347             <value>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkCategory"/> value.</value>
2348         </member>
2349         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.ConnectedTime">
2350             <summary>
2351             Gets the local date and time when the network 
2352             was connected.
2353             </summary>
2354             <value>A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> object.</value>
2355         </member>
2356         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.Connections">
2357             <summary>
2358             Gets the network connections for the network.
2359             </summary>
2360             <value>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.NetworkConnectionCollection"/> object.</value>
2361         </member>
2362         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.Connectivity">
2363             <summary>
2364             Gets the connectivity state of the network.
2365             </summary>
2366             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.Connectivity"/> value.</value>
2367             <remarks>Connectivity provides information on whether
2368             the network is connected, and the protocols
2369             in use for network traffic.</remarks>
2370         </member>
2371         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.CreatedTime">
2372             <summary>
2373             Gets the local date and time when the 
2374             network was created.
2375             </summary>
2376             <value>A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> object.</value>
2377         </member>
2378         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.Description">
2379             <summary>
2380             Gets or sets a description for the network.
2381             </summary>
2382             <value>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> value.</value>
2383         </member>
2384         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.DomainType">
2385             <summary>
2386             Gets the domain type of the network. 
2387             </summary>
2388             <value>A <see cref="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.DomainType"/> value.</value>
2389             <remarks>The domain
2390             indictates whether the network is an Active
2391             Directory Network, and whether the machine
2392             has been authenticated by Active Directory.</remarks>
2393         </member>
2394         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.IsConnected">
2395             <summary>
2396             Gets a value that indicates whether there is
2397             network connectivity.
2398             </summary>
2399             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
2400         </member>
2401         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.IsConnectedToInternet">
2402             <summary>
2403             Gets a value that indicates whether there is 
2404             Internet connectivity.
2405             </summary>
2406             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.</value>
2407         </member>
2408         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.Name">
2409             <summary>
2410             Gets or sets the name of the network.
2411             </summary>
2412             <value>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> value.</value>
2413         </member>
2414         <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Net.Network.NetworkId">
2415             <summary>
2416             Gets a unique identifier for the network.
2417             </summary>
2418             <value>A <see cref="T:System.Guid"/> value.</value>
2419         </member>
2420         <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardIcon">
2421             <summary>
2422             Specifies the icon displayed in a task dialog.
2423             </summary>
2424         </member>
2425         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardIcon.None">
2426             <summary>
2427             Displays no icons (default).
2428             </summary>
2429         </member>
2430         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardIcon.Warning">
2431             <summary>
2432             Displays the warning icon.
2433             </summary>
2434         </member>
2435         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardIcon.Error">
2436             <summary>
2437             Displays the error icon.
2438             </summary>
2439         </member>
2440         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardIcon.Information">
2441             <summary>
2442             Displays the Information icon.
2443             </summary>
2444         </member>
2445         <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.TaskDialogStandardIcon.Shield">
2446             <summary>
2447             Displays the User Account Control shield.
2448             </summary>
2449         </member>
2450         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.SafeIconHandle">
2451             <summary>
2452             Safe Icon Handle
2453             </summary>
2454         </member>
2455         <member name="M:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.SafeIconHandle.ReleaseHandle">
2456             <summary>
2457             Release the handle
2458             </summary>
2459             <returns>true if handled is release successfully, false otherwise</returns>
2460         </member>
2461         <member name="T:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CommonDllNames">
2462             <summary>
2463             Class to hold string references to common interop DLLs.
2464             </summary>
2465         </member>
2466         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CommonDllNames.ComCtl32">
2467             <summary>
2468             Comctl32.DLL
2469             </summary>
2470         </member>
2471         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CommonDllNames.Kernel32">
2472             <summary>
2473             Kernel32.dll
2474             </summary>
2475         </member>
2476         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CommonDllNames.ComDlg32">
2477             <summary>
2478             Comdlg32.dll
2479             </summary>
2480         </member>
2481         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CommonDllNames.User32">
2482             <summary>
2483             User32.dll
2484             </summary>
2485         </member>
2486         <member name="F:MS.WindowsAPICodePack.Internal.CommonDllNames.Shell32">
2487             <summary>
2488             Shell32.dll
2489             </summary>
2490         </member>
2491     </members>
2492 </doc>